Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Have you ever heard of #100happydays?  My friend Holly Stoodley was doing this and I thought it might be a good idea for me to give it a try.  I found the website 100happydays and decided to use facebook as my place to post my thoughts and pictures.  Today is Day 30 for me Day 100 for Holly.  I have been having fun looking for things that make me smile as my day goes along.  I've had some really tough days this month but I still managed to find one thing each day.  Check out my facebook page to see what I have come up with.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Osteopathic Treatment

A couple of weeks ago, I started seeing an osteopath.  This is a form of manual treatment that is very, very gentle.  The osteopath uses very fine movements to encourage the body to re-align itself.  These movements also teach the body to heal itself.  Since I have started seeing my osteopath, I have had a lot more energy.  This is causing somewhat more pain, probably because the extra energy is causing me to want to do more.  So now I am in the process of relearning my boundaries.

Lee Jarvis is my osteopath.  He is a 4th year student at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy in Hamilton, ON.  By working with a student, I am not only being treated with all the newest information but I am also helping him get his clinic hours as well as being a model for assignments.  His latest assignment is find some patients who have never been treated by an osteopath so he can monitor before and after treatments.  The assignment includes 5 free treatments.  If you are interested, you can contact Lee directly at LeeTBJarvis@gmail.com or call/text 905-220-8491.  You can also let me know and I'll pass your information on to Lee.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family!!!

I have so much to be thankful for . . . . 

1. supportive friends and family who are willing to walk with me through my journey

2. a supportive medical team that includes residents, an occupational therapist, a psychotherapist, a rheumatologist, an internist and a naturopath

3. waterfit and yoga instructors willing to modify so that I can continue to participate without huge pain and fatigue

4. medications and supplements that work part of the time

5. and most of all, I have God on my side, leading me to the right people and supports.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Fibromyalgia is not who I am but something I have.  It's like having a cold or having cancer.  It's a diagnosis that I attempt to manage.  It may or may not go into remission.  It may or may not get worse.  

I am Rita . . . dreamer, creative, gentle, animal-lover, joyful. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I decided to create this blog because so many people have told me that I could become a motivational speaker but I'm not sure I"m ready to make any speaking commitments.  Apparently I am an inspiration to lots of people, simply because I have been able to put a positive spin on my life.  So each post will focus on a different topic, dealing with fibromyalgia, and how I see it making a positive change in my life. 

Honestly, I am a bit nervous about starting this blog.  But I am also excited about it.  It is difficult for me to start something new but once I get going, I usually get the hang of it.  I'm not sure how others are going to respond or how I may take their responses.  Or maybe it will be a lack of responses that affects me more.  Not knowing what to expect . . . . that's the challenge.  But hey, if we didn't start anything new from time to time, there would be no growth in certain areas of our lives.  

What was your newest adventure?  Has it happened lately or are you stuck in a rut?  Tell me your stories.  I'd love to hear them!